The Best Way To Keep Crickets From Entering Your New Jersey Home

cricket on a counter top

Summertime is a great time of year. The weather is warm, the sun is shining, and the crickets are chirping. Wait... did we say crickets? Yes, crickets. While the sound of these tiny insects may be pleasant to some, they can become a real nuisance if they take up residence in your home. 
Each female cricket can lay up to 200 eggs, so you can imagine how quickly an infestation can get out of control. If you're having problems with crickets, don't hesitate to call a professional New Jersey pest control service, like Heritage Pest Control. We'll help get rid of these pests and restore peace to your home.

Why Do Crickets Make A Chirping Sound?

Ever wondered how crickets chirp? It's a process of rubbing their legs together. They have an organ in the back of their leg that they rub against another part called a scraper on the wing. The chirping sound crickets make differs for each species, and males are typically noisier than females.
There are several reasons behind crickets chirping, including:

  • Attracting a mate: This is the most common reason for chirping. Males will sing loudly to attract a mate.
  • Indicating danger: If a cricket feels threatened, it may start chirping as a way of warning others.
  • Communicating location: Crickets can also use chirping to share their location with other crickets. This is especially helpful when they're out foraging for food.
  • Declaring territory: In some cases, crickets will chirp to let others know that they're in a particular area and it's off-limits.

So the next time you hear that familiar cricket song, remember that there's more to it than meets the ear. If you're having trouble with a cricket infestation, don't hesitate to call in the professionals at your local pest control company.

All The Ways Crickets Can Enter Homes

Before looking at how to get rid of crickets in your house, you need to know how they get into homes in the first place. Crickets are nocturnal and will start chirping at night when it's dark outside. They can sneak into your home through minor cracks and crevices.
Ways crickets can get into your home include:

  1. Through openings around doors, windows, and eaves
  2. Via the attic, basement, or crawlspace
  3. Through chimneys and vents
  4. Brought in firewood or other items from outdoors
  5. By hitching a ride on you or your pets 

Crickets can be a real nuisance, especially if you're trying to get some shut-eye at night. If you've been woken up by the sound of crickets chirping, don't hesitate to call your local cricket control professional for help with eliminating these pests from your home.

5 Cricket Prevention Tips for New Jersey Residents

While several types of crickets can be beneficial to have around, the ones that typically infest homes are not so welcome. If you want to try and prevent crickets from getting into your home, here are a few tips:

  1. Seal up any openings around doors, windows, and eaves.
  2. Ensure your attic, basement, and crawlspace are secured.
  3. Remove any stacks of wood, bricks, or rocks near the foundation of your house.
  4. Keep your lawn, garden, and yard well-maintained.
  5. Turn your outdoor lights off at night, as crickets are attracted to light.

If you notice any signs of an infestation, such as cricket droppings, call up a local pest exterminator for help. They'll deal with the cricket infestation so that you can rest easy.

Keeping Crickets Out of Your Home 

While you can take some measures to help prevent crickets from getting into your home, there may come a time when you need professional pest control assistance. If this is the case, don't hesitate to call Heritage Pest Control. We have the experience and expertise to get rid of crickets and help get your home back to normal in no time.

Contact us today to schedule service.